Friday, November 8, 2019

Reading Reflection 2

I choose the book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scoot Adams. The general theme of the book was to try and always be proactive with your day everyday. If you can set systems for everyday then they will have a drive to get up and go onto accomplish these on a daily basis, Also you need to learn how to be able to accept failure and turn it into positive energy.

This book made me realize that i am in control of how i adapt to things good or bad and that if i put my entire self into something i can get it done. The book was helpful for this class because it taught me to believe in myself and what i put my mind to to be successful at whatever it is im doing.

An exercise i would design for the class based on the book was something that at first the class really struggled on but if they persevered through it, they would be reward at the end of it all.

While reading this book one of the biggest surprises to me  was when Adams discussed for getting goals and goals settings but set out a daily plan. With a daily plan or system its a procedure someone can get done everyday. This helped Adams stay positive and lead him down the slope to where he wanted to go.


  1. Hey Andrew!
    I think this sounds like a really good book and something that entrepreneurs should read. If they read this book they will always keep busy and stay focused on their projects and stay positive no matter what goes wrong. I like the exercise you have chosen to give the class based on the book.
    Great job!

  2. Hello Andrew,
    This was a great post about the book and I thought you did a good job at describing the theme of the book. I think it is a very important to know that you are in more control over how you adapt to situation. Also, I agree that daily plans are more helpful than goals because there is less pressure.
